The All-In-One Rental Management System
iBilik, Malaysia's trailblazing rental management platform, redefining the landscape with cutting-edge Smart IoT technology. Tailored for high-rise buildings and gated guarded communities, iBilik extends its innovative care to a spectrum of sectors—Communities, Residentials, Schools, Industrials, and Office Towers.
Integrating innovative Smart IoT technology into a property management platform, accommodating diverse property types and user needs.
Solution & Result
Successfully developed and implemented iBilik with Smart IoT features, offering versatile functionality to cater to the unique demands of high-rise buildings, gated guarded communities, and various sectors.
Ensured seamless transactions and communication through E-Wallet, versatile user roles, IoT integration, payment gateway, and push notification features, providing users with a comprehensive and user-friendly property management experience.
As Featured in
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